
Benefits Of Sport And Exercise For The Visually Impaired

A fantastic piece depicting the benefits of sport and recreation for the visually impaired - read more...

NDIS Support Services for People with Disability

The NDIS provides necessary funding and access to supports and services to people with a permanent or significant disability so that they  can enjoy their life. NDIS works to create individualized plans for their participants.

For more information about designing a plan best suited for you, click HERE.

Classification for Athletes with Vision Impairment

The Australian Paralympic Committee is responsible for managing classification opportunities for athletes with vision impairment. In order to obtain classification, athletes must arrange for an assessment with APC certified VI classifiers.

Please refer to the APC website for the step by step process on how to get classified.

Goalball for Schools program

Goalball is the only blind and or vision impaired team sport in the Paralympic Games.

In 2018 we are working even harder to expand our Goalball for Schools program to regional areas within NSW.

During this expansion we hope that the opportunity for students with vision impairments to play a team sport that builds confidence promotes integration through participation & creates an understanding within schools that students with blindness can showcase their ability.

Goalball for Schools Program

Tips for travelling with a vision impairment

Resources for Travelers With a Vision Impairment

If you or a loved one has a vision impairment, traveling anywhere can seem like a daunting prospect…but it doesn’t have to be! With the correct planning, precautions, and awareness, you can make sure your next trip is enjoyable and successful. Below you’ll find a wide range of resources offering detailed advice for visually impaired… Read more >